Her great desire for sanctity right from her childhood, the vision she had at the age of four of the beauty of heaven and the transitory of this world, her love for the poor, zeal for souls, eagerness to practice every virtue, the great desire to become a nun and a saint etc. singled her out as an extra-ordinary child.
The Foundation
Greatly favored by grace from her early childhood, she possessed in a high degree the gifts of contemplation, prophecy and of miracles. Brigida Morelloa name that has occupied a place in history. She was a mystic of the 17th century, endowed with special gifts of mystical union with God . At that time women hardly had any place in society. But this lady of vision overcame obstacles of all types. Petty wars and Industrial revolts had played havoc, creating instability in families. Women and children were the worst affected. Brigida could not be blind to the need of the hour. Responding to the call with six other ladies, Brigida dedicated herself to the cause of the education of the young girls. Thus was born the Congregation of the Ursulines of Mary Immaculate (UMI), at Piacenza, Italy on February 17th 1649.
The death of Mother Brigida
The Lord revealed her that within three months her earthly pilgrimage would be ended and this increased her spiritual joy as proportionately increased her physical suffering. The Lord also told her that she would have yet to suffer much and from then on new pains were added to her each day so that within these months she had reached the points of death many times. Heaven found Mother ready for it and so the prayers of her daughters went unheeded. So after a steadily increasing agony that lasted the whole night, with the confessor and her daughters by her bed-side praying and recommending her soul to God, she smiling at the crucifix, breathed forth her soul to god at 3.a.m. on Sunday the 3rd September 1649amidst the tears of her daughters. She wassixty nine years old at her death.
Beatification of Mother Brigida of Jesus Morello
She was beatified on 15th March 1998 by Pope JOHN PAUL II